What is OpenData
OpenData places public sector information within everyone's reach in digital, standardised, open formats that follow a clear structure making them easy to understand. At the same time, it facilitates access to this information to encourage sharing.
In this way, society, individuals, companies and any other institutions may easily access information to get to know about it or to create new services that increase social value or commercial value.
The Consell Insular de Menorca makes information about interurban public transport available to anyone who is interested with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (or CC-BY) licence for use. This licence does not impose any restriction on the use of the data and allows them to be used for any purpose. The only obligation on the data user is correct attribution of authorship. In the "Licences for use" section there is a clear summary of the licence, as well as the complete licence. All the data currently shared by the Consell Insular de Menorca appear in the "Catalogue" section. This catalogue will be extended throughout the year in as far as available technology allows.